Original Bylaws
Revised July 15, 2017 at Orlando, FL Reunion Business Meeting
Article I: Name
Section 1:
Ike Ivery Family Reunion
Article II: Purpose/Mission:
The purpose of this organization is to continue the building of a strong family with a solid foundation rooted in the values passed on from our ancestors. It is our goal to promote harmony and the bond of kinship among our family members and to encourage continuous respect, humility and gratefulness to each generation of our family heritage.
Article III: Members:
Section 1:
The memberships of this family reunion are the descendants of Ike Ivery and his three wives, Mary Haynes, Mary Henry and Birda Hatcher Ivery.
Article IV: Officers:
Section 1:
The officers shall be the president, vice president, secretary, assistant secretary, historian/genealogist, historian, and state chairperson/representative (may need a treasurer)
Section 2: Term of Office
Officers shall have the opportunity to be reelected at every Ivery Family Reunion. The term is for two years in which an officer may be reelected for an infinite number of times. After the initial two year term, an officer may give up their current position and seek to be elected for a different position if available. The officer also has the right to relinquish their position at the end of their term in which an election will be held to choose a successor. Officers shall be obligated to uphold and represent the position in which they have been elected. In the event that an elected officer is unable to fulfill their duties at any time during their two year term, they must submit a letter to the president so that a replacement can be sought after. Under the guidance of the executive committee and consultation with the state/country representatives; a special interim election will take place that will allow for the appointment of an interim officer to serve the duration of that term until the next family reunion in which a new officer will be chosen. This is to ensure that the executive team stays intact throughout the course of the commitment.
Article V: Duties of Officers
Section 1: The President:
- The president shall be the principal officer of the organization and shall in general supervise and control all the business and affairs of the organization.
- He/She shall preside at all meetings of the organization.
- In general, perform all the duties incident to the office of the President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the organization from time to time.
- Call meetings of the executive board whenever such meetings are necessary.
- Keeps the executive board fully informed on all matters concerning the Ike Ivery Family.
- Provide consultation for hosting families as needed.
Section 2: The Vice President:
- Shall, in the absence or incapacity of the President, perform the duties of that office.
- Act as a parliamentary advisor at all meetings.
- Peform such other duties as may be assigned by the executive board.
- Assisting in the consultation to the hosting families as needed.
- Acts as a Liaison/Counsel to the State/Country chairpersons/representatives
Section 3: The Secretary:
- Shall attend all meetings of the organization.
- Record the minutes of meetings and send minutes to the executive board prior to the next scheduled meeting.
- Responsible for organizing the meeting called by the president (ex. Send written notification to the executive board members that a meeting will be taken place on such particular date).
- Keep an updated register of addresses for each executive board member.
- Perform all duties incident to the office, and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or organization.
- In the absence of both the president and vice president, the secretary shall have the duties of conducting executive board meetings and sharing findings of the meetings with the president/vice-president.
Section 4: The Assistant Secretary:
- Shall, in the absence or incapacity of the Secretary, perform the duties of that office.
- Working with the secretary in updating the addresses of officers as needed.
- Assist in family communication which can include social media, emails, texts and newsletters: responsible for creating, updating and distribution of family newsletters quarterly.
Section 5: The Historian/Genealogist:
- Trace our lineage and history.
- Serve as an educational conduit at each family reunion.
- Maintain, organize and preserve historical documents and share on a quarterly basis with the family. (can be done in the newsletter, website or any other vehicle of communication of new findings to the family)
Section 6: State/Country Chairperson/Representatives:
- State/Country Chairperson shall attend the executive board meetings as needed with the responsibilities of representing his/her state.
- Representing their state at the Ike Ivery family reunion meetings.
- Family Liaison: Build a rapport and stay informed with family events/milestones (birth, death, graduation, etc.). Examples to building a rapport: get a list of names, phone numbers, addresses, or emails of families within your state and send some form of correspondence introducing yourself; sharing how you are related in the family and the reason for reaching out. Make sure you include your email or best way to reach you so that the family in your state can stay in touch. You can do a meet and greet event, a mini family gathering within your state or something that you feel would work for you in keeping the family together.
- with the assistant secretary in keeping the family posted on what is happening and to keep family ties strong in the sub groups as well as the Ivery family at large.
Article VI: Election of Officers:
Section 1: The election of officers shall be held whenever a vacancy is created.
- Voting for officers shall be done under the direction of the presider at the business meetings during each Ike Ivery Family Reunion
- The election of officers shall be an agenda item of the family business meeting.
- Voters of this family shall be descendants of the Ike Ivery and his three wives Mary Haynes, Mary Henry and Birda Hatcher
- All Business meetings shall begin and end with prayer and song to establish that our existence is because of God and what He has done and continues to do as the head of this family.
Article VII: Reunion Edict
Section 1: Reunion Frequency
The Ike Family Reunion will be held the second weekend of July beginning in July 1987 and during every odd numbered year thereafter.
Section 2: Location of Reunion
The location of the next successive reunion host city, which shall alternate between a northern and southern state will be made during our bi-annual business meeting. Nominations for host sites will be taken and confirmed by a majority vote of those present.
Section 3: The selected Host Committee shall:
- Provide all upfront costs for each upcoming reunion. The executive board will send in their registration or/activity fees prior to help offset some of the out of pocket fees. Upon established date and cost, the committee will send in their fees immediately.
- Provide Reunion particulars by January 15th of the scheduled year.
- Provide a family affair with reasonable cost as to not exclude any willing family member, including hotel costs.
- The Ike Ivery Family Reunion Activity Fees shall be set by the hosting family based of the needs of events such as the meet and greet, picnic, family banquet, etc.
- Arrange for a business meeting of approximately 1 and ½ hour.
- Hosting family will provide update informational cards at reunion to keep the family database updated in being able to reach as many of the family members as possible.
Article VIII: Scholarship Monies:
If a family desires to have a scholarship, it will be at the discretion of that particular family branch. The national committee will support but will not manage or decide upon the recipients of said scholarship.
Article IX: Order
The proceedings and deliberations of this organization shall be governed by the Ike Ivery Family Reunion By-Laws.
Article X: Amendments
These by-laws may be amended or altered at the regular Ike Ivery Family Reunion Business meeting by a simple majority vote of members present provided the proposed amendments in writing have been submitted to the State Chairperson, who will in turn submit such proposed amendments to the National Committee for review prior to the reunion meeting of the said year.